Friday 7 June 2013

The Stationary Voyager

A man comes on the radio. ‘Good Morning’ he says, ‘and welcome to another glorious summer’s day’.
 I have just put the kids to bed and sat down to enjoy a glass of wine and listen to a bit of radio before going to bed.
According to the man on the radio traffic is still dense, but the morning rush is easing a bit. And it is going to be fabulous day with bright sunshine and temperatures well into the eighties. I don’t know how hot that is, I am used to the Celsius degrees, but it sounds nice. The start of a new day with all its promises and possibilities. A commercial advertises new car tyres (or should it be tires). Pay for three, get four.
An offer you can’t refuse – unless you would have to take your car half way round the world. I am sitting in Europe, and I am listening to a local Californian radio station on the Internet. It is early evening. Rain is predicted for the next four days. I had great plans for the day, but most of them have been repostponed till tomorrow.
Tonight I have listened radio stations in Greece, Italy, France and the US. A great way to keep your language skills going. And a great way for the stationary voyager to move round the world.
Good night – or good morning, as the case may be. A new day is about to begin – or end.


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