Friday 7 November 2014

Rationing may Dammage Your Health

Some people are stubborn. Some people are very stubborn and will hold on to their rights no matter what. My Grandfather was of the latter type - I have been told so by several of his ten children.

He died when I was twelve. He was then in his early eighties. It was at the time when people first started talking - although incredulously - of the possible damaging health effect of smoking.

I had never seen my Grandfather smoke and I asked my Dad if he ever did.

- Well, he did when he was young. Then he stopped when your Aunt Augusta was born - it was too expensive. Then he smoked again from the beginning of the Second World War until 1949.

- Was it because of the war that he started?, I wanted to know.

- I guess you can say that, my Dad answered. You see, tobacco and a lot of other things were rationed during the war. You got coupons you had to hand in, when you bought something, and so you could only buy small quantities, especially of goods like tobacco and coffee. Your Grandfather didn't like other people to get what he was entitled to so he smoked while the rationing was in force and stopped when it was over.

- So don't always stand on your right, he warned me, it might not always be for your own good.

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